Historic District Information

Westmoreland Historic District Map   

Westmoreland, due to the efforts of its members, is a recognized Historic District listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This is the official list of the nation’s cultural resources worthy of preservation. Of the seventeen Historic Districts in Toledo, only Westmoreland, the Old West End, and Vistula have received Toledo City Council’s designation as a Historic Overlay District. As a Historic District, Westmoreland’s homes are protected from inappropriate changes – see our Association Dues Page for Deed Restrictions on our neighborhood homes. The City of Toledo Historic Commission Review Board accepts applications for the required “Certificate of Appropriateness” from Homeowners who want to change the exterior of their homes.

A Certificate of Appropriateness is needed for any exterior work except landscaping and paint. Some examples are roofing, fences, decks and patios. Relocating, demolishing or building a new structure on a lot, or altering the exterior of a home, with windows, doors or siding are also changes that require a Certificate.

Historic DistrictAn application, as well as the brochure detailing the process, may be obtained at the Toledo-Lucas County Plan Commissions’ Office, located on the 16th floor of One Government Center. The phone number is (419) 245-1200. You may also download copies here:

Historic District Guidance for Homeowners 

Certificate of Appropriateness Procedures Guide

Click to access Historic-District-Designation-Guidance-for-Homeowners-10.6.2020.pdf

Click to access COA-Application_2023-10-25-190903_tlku.pdf

Westmoreland Historic District Representatives:

Rachel Freeman and Robin Redmond who may be reached  historicdistrictreps@historicwestmoreland.com


Useful Information on Historic Preservation: